Saturday, September 22, 2012

Life is good :)

Day 1- only about 12 hours old
Wow, the first week or two with a newborn is an adventure! We have had so much fun bringing him home from the hospital and getting to know this little man that is now living with us. We're in the process of establishing a schedule and figuring out all of his "signals", but it's the most amazing thing.

Day 1 in the hospital

Today Josh and I are celebrating our five year wedding anniversary with Vincent. Talk about a great anniversary gift :) Everytime I look at Vincent my heart just melts. In the first week we've been able to have a few firsts- coming home, his first car ride, first check up with the doctor, his first walk, and first bath.

My view from the hospital room

He liked the car and was actually singing along with the music on the car ride home from the hospital. It was pretty cute! At his first check up he had put on quite a bit of weight already- he eats like a champ! When we left the hospital he weighed 3.1 kg (down from 3.4), but at his appointment he weighed 3.3 kg. He was almost back at his birth weight one week later! On his walk he loved all the bumps along the way, and even the street noise. Our neighborhood is noisy and I think he likes it.

Day 5- nap time

Getting ready for bed- Day 5

Flowers from Josh's work team

Other than the firsts this week, we've been trying to figure out breastfeeding. It's taken a lot of practice for both him and me, but we're starting to figure things out. It's not easy though! I feel hungry all the time (just like during my second trimester), and I'm just exhausted by it! Especially when he goes through a growth spurt and wants to eat every 2 hours, instead of every 3. It feels like I'm training for a marathon or something! But let me tell you, it really does bring down the belly size quickly. It's crazy how fast my big belly is being reduced.

Day 6- his cross eyed look

For me, recovery has been my main concern (after taking care of Vincent of course). I did have some natural tears during the delivery, but thankfully I didn't have an episiotomy. This just makes it difficult to move too much, and my muscles are still sore from the delivery. Just walking across the street and up and down a few stairs is difficult right now. I'm looking forward to having more energy and healing so I can get back into the swing of things. My mom and Jim arrive tomorrow morning to help for the next two weeks- I can't wait to see them! I have a feeling I'm going to cry like a baby when I see her.

Day 7- bath time! He wasn't too excited about his first bath...
He was pretty upset, but gave me this adorable face!

getting ready for his bath

Josh is so great at calming him down, not
to mention how he loves Vincent! Just
look at his face in the picture.

This post wouldn't be complete without mentioning how Josh has helped everyday! Josh has been amazing during this first week! He had to work a few days, but worked from home. He has called himself the "Camp Chef" because he has been cooking everyday for us. It's such a huge help! Otherwise I don't think I would eat! He's gone out to the store almost everyday for random things that I need and is happy to do it. I'm so happy to spend this five year anniversary with the most incredible man and I feel so lucky and blessed to have him in my life! What can I say, life is good :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I love this. Isn't breastfeeding an adventure? It was really hard on me at first but I grew to love it! I'm glad you are enjoying this special time with your boys!
