Today I am 39 weeks and I feel like it could be the big day for Bambino to greet the world. Of course, everyday I hope it's the day, but I've been having mild contractions all morning and they keep going. I'm hoping it progresses so we can meet the little bugger :)
In the past week I've been trying to stay rested (and have been exhausted every day!), walk a lot, and keep my mind busy so I'm not constantly wondering about Bambino arriving. We've met some new friends, and I've connected with some old ones. One of Josh's co-workers just moved to Milan (he's American, but his wife is Italian), so we met up with them for dinner last week. That was really fun! Justin and Enrica were very nice and I hope we can hang out with them more. I also connected with an old sorority sister, Erin, that was visiting Italy for the Formula 1 races last weekend in Monza. We briefly met up the other night for a catch up before she flew back to the states. I haven't seen her since she graduated my sophomore year, so it was fun to hear what she has been up to. She also brought Bambino a red Ferrari shirt which is so sweet and cute! We love it :) We also had a birthday celebration on Saturday night for Marina and Andrea- that was a lot of fun! It was also a good Italian lesson for us, everyone there was Italian or spoke fluent Italian, so it was good listening practice.
As for pregnancy stuff, last Friday was definitely a turning point for me. I could feel Bambino dropping even more and I knew that the big day was coming soon. He/she had dropped a little before then, but now I can actually see the top of my uterus and it's noticeable to other people (it's no longer under my ribs). What's strange is that since Bambino is sitting lower, he/she is putting a lot of pressure on my hips and lower back. As a result I get these weird cramps on my inner thigh when the head moves. I can tell when Bambino stretches because I get a strong pain shooting down my inner thigh- fleeting, but painful. It seems that maybe he is sitting on a nerve?
Today I had an ultrasound to check Bambino's growth, and he/she is still a big baby! Everything looks good and it also looks like things are starting to progress- I'm effaced (they didn't say how much) but not dilated yet. Tomorrow I have my 39 week check up- more ultrasounds, blood/urine check, etc. Hopefully I won't need the appointment, but we'll see! We're getting anxious to meet Bambino, so the fact that things are progressing is really exciting! It makes me feel like the big day is just around the corner. Maybe today is the big day?
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